Leading EDge Learning’s approach focuses on understanding and meeting clients’ specific needs and designing customized supports to fit those needs. Each project is designed to culminate in deliverables that increase understanding, operationalize knowledge and share analyses and recommendations with the field.

As a team we…

  • Analyze and address client specific needs based by a deep understanding of education research and effective practices
  • Develop custom plans, recommendations, and resources tailored to client goals
  • Listen and work collaboratively with clients as trusted partners
  • Garner stakeholder input
  • Synthesize existing research
  • Partner with schools and districts to understand what works in schools as well as implementation challenges and constraints
  • Design and execute professional learning for leaders/teachers/coaches

Professional Learning

We design and deliver customized professional learning experiences that address the specific needs of a school, district, or state. Our professional learning focuses on bringing research and educational best practices into an engaging experience for participants.  We serve State, District, and School Level Leaders, Instructional Coaches and Teacher Leaders. Learning formats include:

    • Regional Cohorts
    • Workshops
    • Summits/Events
    • Statewide Learning Networks
    • Communities of Practice

Interested in learning more?  Get a custom quote.

Planning and Implementation Support

We partner with schools, districts, and state agencies who are seeking to plan for and implement change. We work alongside leaders to help them strategically manage the complex change process, engage stakeholders, and deliver customized supports that help them meet their strategic goals.
How we partner:

    • Plan Development
    • Plan Development and Implementation Support for Leadership
    • Plan Development, Implementation Support for  Leadership, and Professional Development

Our Focus Areas Include:

School & District Leadership

  • Developing Leadership Skills
  • Organizational & Change Management
  • Culture & Communication
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Coaching Others & Teams
  • Emerging technology 

Teaching & Learning

  • Instructional Coaching
  • Personalized Learning
  • Emerging Technology 
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Learning Sciences


  • Leading Schools Newsletter – In this quarterly newsletter we share resources and provide opportunities to stay in touch with us.  Click here to sign up.
  • Partnering for Rural Schools Success – This resource was developed through a research study in partnership with the Center for Research and Innovation. The research report includes the findings of the study and a brief of the winning strategy for each participating state.  Click here to access the full report.
  • Communication for School Leaders – This resource provides strategies for school leaders to effectively communicate with parents, teachers, and students in a remote learning environment.  Click here to read the article.

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